Dragonstorm Anadon and the Ship Raker

So we played last night, Matt was GM. I was the infamous Spirit walker... Anadon (no last name yet... has to meet mentor).  Houk played a Fell-something character (Felihippe or something) he was doing an interesting "when I was in jail" routine reminding one of old Cheech and Chong.

Christina played ... forgot the name now.  She was not Mara because Mara is mad, she was crazy and mad (Short Fuse strikes again).

Atokoda (sp?) played ... well.. I don't remember...  He'd came late.

and last but not least.  Resident Dragon named Kiranaku (sp?) from Kalemendrax.
So my impressions of last night.
Good foray into Desert/Beachhead area.  Intro to bar was most fun.  I tried to play Ana different .. Whiskey to calm the nerves.  I should have role'd better against Captain whatever's spirit to communicate and forumlate a plan.  I took the verbal abuse from the Ship Raker and plotted to kick his black and white tigrean buttocks later... I was very subdued for me playing Ana lol..

 We'd had some fun tho'..

I don't think I was the loud one last night.  Matt was, I got payback for putting multiple shamans through hell and welcomed it.  I just gotta get better at my cards.  That.. and my damn character sheet is flumoxed.. it works but I keep losing games and then point totals are not set.  Gotta remind myself to get GMperks taken care of totally... sheesh.

