I have learned recently that DS is not always a quickie game. That there are some interesting things that can be done with planning and preparation.
Campaigns are interesting. The thing for me, as the SW (Storm Warden = DS Game Master) is/was that I'd have a planned baddie that got totally wrecked or intrigue that felt like a Shamylan movie.
Herein lies the rub. I am with my Crew starting a new phase in testing some stuff. It's Elemental my dears... but really it ain't!
I got ideas and traps and plans and history and time invested but It amounts to a hill of beans if not executed properly.
Execution is what worries me. I didn't set out to create as comprehensive a world or an idea but wanted to do something skeletal. I wanted to also work hard at getting new ideas introduced.
Again. This is a work in progress.